“Imitation” isn’t a bad word – it’s your best shot

No matter how often I practiced… And how hard I listened to my dad’s instructions… I just couldn’t get the knack of riding a bike.

I’d get on, wobble a bit… And then fall right off.

It was over 5 decades ago now, but I still remember the frustration building up, when something supposedly so simple proved beyond my reach. And then, one day, I took a different tack. One of the older kids on my road often rode his bike near my house. I started watching the way he did it – how he rested his feet before moving and then how he started pedaling.

And I copied him, pure and simple.

Soon, everything ‘clicked’ – and I was biking around with the rest of them.

It’s often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But it’s also one of the best ways to do something well.

Think about it…

Lots of skills you may have mastered, from playing football to cooking, you’ve likely learned by copying someone who knew the ropes better than you.

And that’s what you need to do, to give your company outstanding financial management, as well.

As I mentioned recently, that can be really difficult to do if you’ve never built or run a finance department yourself. You just won’t know what a good one should look like, which roles you need to fill and what to expect from your people.

But it’s also really crucial to get right, because ultimately we’re all here to make money…

…So if your finances are not handled smoothly and professionally, you’ll be at a distinct disadvantage!

The answer is simple: If you want better financial management in your business, look at what the Big Guys are doing and mimic them.


They have already achieved the business success you want to achieve…

Chances are, they’ve likely already made a lot of mistakes and overcome common challenges…

More importantly, they know what works to produce the successful outcome you desire.

My point: If you want to bypass much of the costly trial and error… if you want to build a strong financial department without all the guesswork… model yourself after the corporates.

You’ll notice many commonalities in the way they handle their finances:

They have built financial systems and processes designed to run smoothly, no matter who’s doing the job…

They’ve set up proper checks and balances to ensure best practices are always followed, and to minimise mistakes…

Their Finance Department isn’t just there to produce numbers…

…but rather, the finance director uses those numbers to help the CEO make better financial decisions about the company’s future.

Together, these elements give corporates a competitive advantage, because not only are their finances managed very carefully, but their CEO can plan ahead based on real numbers, not gut feeling…

…And by the way, their CEO doesn’t have to get involved in the day-to-day financial operations, because they have solid systems in place to handle all of that.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could extricate yourself from worrying about payroll and whether Joe in accounting is doing a good job, too?

The quickest path to become a bigger company is to start acting like one…

…And that means modelling the way you manage your finances on the way the corporates handle theirs.

Now, that might feel like a tall order…

…But that’s exactly what we can put in place for you.

We specialise in helping smaller companies turning over £1-£10 million get the same world-class financial management which corporates take for granted.

Email me or call us today on 01279 647447, so we can help you run with the Big Guys, too.

Garbage in, garbage out

The financial side of your business can’t be the only part of your business that professionalises.
All parts of your business really need to grow up together, in order to create a more profitable organisation that is ready for its next stage of growth.

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