
Transform your summer slowdown into a powerful comeback

Make August count with Our Just One Day programme

Despite the horrible weather, this is technically summertime.

And in just a few weeks’ time, many of your clients and customers will be heading on holiday (perhaps even more than usual if they’re trying to chase some sun!).

For some businesses – though by no means all – this can make July and August a particularly quiet time, leading to lower sales and some financial pain.

If that’s the case for you, too, how can you deal with this challenge – and maybe even make lemonade from these lemons? 

Some business owners simply accept the dip. The business owner might take their own holiday at this time and believe that everyone has earned a bit of a break…

Others go into overdrive to increase sales, marketing more heavily, putting on special offers and taking the opportunity to reach out to lapsed customers or contacts.

These are both legitimate approaches.

But I believe that it’s also an ideal time to work on your business – spending time planning the last few months of the year; reviewing your business strategies and setting new goals; and revising your budgets holding brainstorming sessions with your staff to come up with new ideas. Perhaps you can even give your team training they need but might not have time for in busier periods.

It’s the kind of work many businesses carry out in December, when they’re preparing for the new year. 

But if things are going to be quiet in August, it’s an equally good opportunity. There’s no reason why you have to reserve strategic work for the year-end!

In fact, it’s a fantastic way to ensure that you’re not only best placed to take advantage when business revs up again in September, but that you perform as strongly as possible in the second half of the year.

If that’s something you’d like help with, we’re here for you.

Our Just One Day programme is the most structured, time-efficient, and effective corporate planning session you’ll ever experience.

It’s designed to get your head out of the minutiae of running a business and thinking strategically about your long-term business goals. Together, we explore where your business is heading and where you want it to go – and develop a comprehensive plan of action to get you there. 

Not only will you come out thinking of your business in new ways, but you will have a practical plan you can use to achieve the goals we develop together.

As you would expect, we also look at your new business plan from a financial angle, ensuring that it makes financial sense. We want this plan to make your business more profitable and to help you grow faster – ensuring that every decision you make is backed by sound financial planning.

Don’t let the quieter summer months slip by without making progress. This is your chance to gain clarity, set ambitious yet achievable goals, and position your business for an exceptional second half of the year.

== > Click here to schedule a Just One Day session with us and transform your downtime into a powerful catalyst for growth.



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