
How NASA’s rocket launch should shape your business strategy

How does NASA decide when to launch a rocket to the International Space Station (ISS)?

It’s far more complex than you might think. NASA can’t simply schedule a launch when the pad or crew are ready.

The “launch window” each day is just five minutes.

To hit that target, NASA scientists need to deeply understand external conditions — everything from the weather to the orbits of the shuttle and the ISS, and even the subtle wobbles in the ISS’s orbit.

But external conditions alone aren’t enough. They also need to ensure that every internal system is functioning flawlessly: sensors calibrated, foam pads intact, and cameras operational and well-lit for Mission Control.

Planning your business’s future is no different.

In my previous article, I explained why you must consider external forces like geopolitics, market trends, emerging technologies, and regulatory changes when developing your 2025 business strategy. This “external intelligence” can significantly shape your decisions for the year ahead.

However, understanding external conditions isn’t enough. You also need a detailed, accurate picture of how your business operates internally. Without this “internal intelligence,” you’re making decisions in the dark.

This starts with high-quality financial information. How is your business making money? Where are your strengths? What opportunities exist for improvement? These insights are vital to building a robust business plan.

And here’s where your process should diverge from NASA’s.

While Mission Control must focus on conditions at a specific moment — when launching their rocket — you need a broader perspective. You need to understand how your finances have evolved over time, where they stand now, and where they’re heading.

For example, knowing you made a 7% profit in December 2024 might seem like good news — but is it? That depends on how it compares to the rest of the year or even to December 2023.

Likewise, knowing your bank balance on 22 January 2025 isn’t very helpful unless you also understand how that balance has fluctuated over the past few months — and have forecasts for its future performance.

In short, true clarity comes from tracking financial trends over time, not relying on isolated snapshots.

Unfortunately, most accountants don’t provide this.

The primary financial information they offer is your annual accounts. These are usually just broad summaries which provide little detail about which areas of your business are thriving and which need attention. 

And because they focus on the end of your financial year, they rarely highlight trends or predict future movements.

That’s where Insight Associates helps.

Every month, we deliver detailed management accounts tailored to your needs, breaking down how your business is performing across all key areas. Our reports show financial trends, identify opportunities and highlight challenges, giving you the clarity you need to make informed decisions.

Once you combine this financial intelligence with the external intelligence we discussed earlier, your business plan for 2025 will practically write itself. 

The changes you need to grow faster and maximise profitability will become obvious once you clearly see your financial situation and the external factors impacting your business.

The best part? This isn’t a one-off service. We don’t just provide this internal intelligence annually, in time for your business plan. We provide it every single month, ensuring you’re always ready to plan ahead, adapt, and optimise throughout the year.

Good financial management isn’t just about year-end reports; it’s an ongoing process that every well-run company requires.

If that sounds like the kind of financial support you’re looking for, get in touch today. Simply email garry@insightassociates.co.uk or call us on 01279 647 447 to arrange a no-obligation consultation with me or one of our financial experts. 



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